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Description: We sat down with J.J. Abrams to talk all things Star Wars! From 'The Rise of Skywalker' to the Special Editions, J.J. dishes on his experience with the sci-fi saga of the century! » Subscribe to NowThis Nerd: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will finally bring the Skywalker Saga to a close. As the long-awaited Star Wars Episode 9 blasts off into theaters, we sat down with director JJ Abrams to interview him about TROS and all this Star Wars, Rise of Skywalker and beyond. From the first the Rise of Skywalker trailer, fans have been in a fever pitch as to how the Star Wars saga will conclude, especially in light of the controversial reception to the The Last Jedi. As we prepare for our last adventure with Daily Ridley as Rey, John Boyega as Finn, Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, and Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron, our JJ Abrams interview about Episode IX. JJ Abrams’ Star Wars has been a roller coaster ride, as Lucasfilm and Disney prepare to unleash one of the biggest movies of all time in 2019, Star Wars Rise of Skywalker, our JJ Abrams interview on Star Wars will explore the sequels, prequels, and original trilogy and explore the director’s true feelings on the franchise. #starwars #jjabrams #riseofskywalker #theriseofskywalker #disney #lucasfilm #rey #kylo #finn #poe #palpatine #sheev #skywalker » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: #NowThisNerd Get more from NowThis Nerd: » Like Us: » Tweet Us: » Follow Us: Get more from NowThis News: » Subscribe to NowThis: » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: » Find us on Snapchat Discover: NowThis Nerd is your one stop shop for everything from movies and TV to games and comics. We’re committed to fueling the conversation about the nerd world and nerd culture. Join us every week as we geek out and explore topics such as sci-fi, aliens, monsters, superheroes and villains, comics, Marvel, DC, and so much more.